Anatomy of nuclei

It is only important to examine the number of nuclei, if a mycorrhiza has no clamps. Due to the presence of pairs of nuclei, it can be stated that a basidiomcetous ectomycorrhiza is under investigation. However it is often difficult to find the delimitations of a hyphal cell to make sure that the nuclei found belong exclusively to one cell and that nuclei from adjacent cells do not pretend dikaryons or multinucleate cells. Depending upon the species examined, the nuclei can be stained in different intensities, which could be adjusted staining durations of different length, or they are even impossible to detect, when hyphae are very dark. Other features of the nuclei are of subordinate importance if there is any differentiating character at all. For detailed descriptions of methods see Agerer (1991): Methods in Microbiology 23: 25-73.

Siderophilous granulations can only be checked applying aceto-carmine as staining reagent. But to date, the significance of this feature is not proven.